Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulatory of the protection of the people that inform on normative infringements and fight against the corruption
Between all the measures of legal character, technician and organisational that they have to adopt the companies in the preparation of a program “of Compliance” finds the creation of a Channel of Complaint or Line Whistleblowing, that allow the communication of possible incumplimientos of the internal norms of the company and/or of the legal norms that have to obey. These systems will allow to the companies implant the pertinent measures of investigation and sanction all those punishable facts that detect .
The past 21/02/2023, published in the BOE, the Law of protection of the denouncer of corruption (Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulatory of the protection of the people that inform on normative infringements and of fight against the corruption). That transpone the Directive (EU) 2019/1937, The purpose of this new Law is, the effective and effective protection of those people that, so much in the breast of public organisations like private, copmuniqyen or inform on possible indications or infringements of the right of the Union or national right.
It is the half by which all the executives and employees of the Entity including, temporary employees, indefinite and by agreement, clients, providers, commercial partners and other parts interested (stakeholders), can inform of behaviours, actions or facts that can constitute rapes so much of the internal norms of a company as of the laws, normative or ethical codes that govern the activity of said entity.
A Channel of Complaints – Line Whistleblowing, has to use to communicate worries or illegal or punishable acts.
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